The baptism of Rafael and Melisa
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
"Yesterday we had our baptisms of Rafael and Melissa!!" December 23, 2014
This week was so fast and fun.
We had our Christmas party as a mission, it was really fun. We had a zone skit that we put together, it was really good. Great food, played basketball, and they showed us some new videos of the Piano Guys and David Archuleta that are pretty great!
I had a dream of Blaine and that we were in conference and he got called to be an Apostle haha, it was so funny cause he had like his little beard growing.
Yesterday we had our baptisms of Rafael and Melissa!! It was great... I was pleased to help them do the ordinance. I'll post photos.
Pablo, who I told you guys about last week that was falling away, but was gonna go to SOY. Yeah he went and had an amazing time. Yesterday he bore his testimony and said "I had fallin away from the church a little, I already didn't want to come. But after this week of SOY, I got a testimony. And I know this church is true, and I promised God that I won't miss another Sunday again." It was so awesome to see that... I'm glad he came back, cause he's a great kid.
Yesterday we talked to like 20 members and set up that we're gonna go caroling. They were really pumped and last night we went out with them and sung Christmas Hymns. We sang to the less actives and the recent converts. They all felt so good and so did we.
love you guys. see you in 4 days!!
Monday, December 15, 2014
" We just sung her some Christmas hymns and told her God loves her" December 15, 2014
Wow the house looks crazy with all that snow!!!
This week was super great, we brought lots of people to church and this Sunday we're gonna baptize Rafael and Melissa.
One of my recent converts, Pablo has been falling away from the church. He was super amazing when we baptized him two months ago, but in the last couple weeks hes been falling away. All the youth in El Salvador are going to soy today. Soy is like efy. He was already signed up for it and all but recently he's fallen away but President Sanchez' son, saved him. Last night he called him and talked with him for an hour, and talked him in to going. So now he's going today to soy, and I know that will change him completely. I'm so excited for him.
It was a members birthday last Monday and he invited us over for a family night and dinner it was really good. He's so funny, I need a pic of him, his name is Toñito and he's like 60, really big and short with a moustache and glasses. But they gave us the best sandwiches, but they cooked the broth that they put on it with like a full chicken inside. So there was chicken feet and I took one to try it. haha it tasted weird, and it still has like nails so you gotta be careful when you eat it.
Yesterday we reactivated the Patriarch's daughter, she hasn't gone in lots of time. We always saw her in his house but never talked to her, this last week we decided to start talking to her, we just sung her some Christmas hymns and told her God loves her. She came to church yesterday and brought her boyfriend who isn't member. It was super awesome.
Also yesterday was the Primary program. hahaha you guys would of loved it. We also sang one of the children's hymns with the little kids, but it was so funny... the kids were adorable.
Love you guys,
ps. send me after Christmas all the Christmas cards that you get at the house!!
Monday, December 8, 2014
"so about that baptism thing... I say YES!!" December 8, 2014
This week was great!!
Yesterday we took a family to church and after church we visited them and the husband accepted the baptismal date and the wife said, "I'll tell you tomorrow". In the morning she texted us and signaled us to call her. I called her and she was like, "so about that baptism thing... I say YES!!" I was screaming in the phone! haha it was the second time Someone has accepted a date over the phone!
So the 21st we are gonna baptize Rafael and Melisa... They are super cool they are a younger family. They have two little kids. One is 7 and he's awesome, he sings the hymns and we gave him the painting book of doctrine and covenants. He is really smart.
One of my investigators found the coolest keychain. Its got a T-REX and it says TANNER on it. hahaha they said they went to an american goods yard sale and found it. I'll send a pic of it later.
The people that have a baptismal date like a week ago, They gave us sugar cane. Mom you would kill me for eating it, but its pure sugar and you just suck on it. And sugar juice comes out. But after a couple sucks its really sweet!!
Love you all excited to skype!!
Monday, November 24, 2014
"Also a less active families baby died. It was only 30 days old." November 24, 2014
I'll try and send photos later of everything but this week was really awesome.
Haha first off... another confession. I accidentally drank tea again.... the word of wisdom is killing me on the mission haha.
Also yesterday I directed the hymns in Sacrament Meeting haha, The chorister was there but the
First Counselor is super funny so he called me up to direct the hymns. After everyone was telling me they loved it haha it was really funny. The Stake President's wife took a pic of me haha.
We had a baptism and wedding. We baptized Mario and Marisol Garcia. It was super crazy because their baptism was on saturday and on friday we had nothing ready for the wedding, we didn't even have their birth certificates or ID´s. So that was a mess, luckily we know a lawyer and she can do it really fast. But it's fine! So that was super great that they could finally get baptized, again we had President Sanchez baptize them.
Make sure and send me pics of thanksgiving.
Also a less active families baby died. It was only 30 days old. They were having a viewing in their house and sadly thieves came in and stole lots of their stuff. Those people have no heart..... really sad.
love you guys... happy thanksgiving!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
"Hermano Lopez is super nice and brought us donuts we were so grateful." November 17, 2014
I'm sorry today has been super busy and I might not have time to write a long letter.
But I might be able to when I get on later in the afternoon! I'll try my best, but this week was good.
Hermano Lopez is super nice and brought us donuts we were so grateful. He does lots for us. Here's a photo with my comp and the donuts. Also a dope flower that was by our house.
Elder Tanner
Monday, November 10, 2014
"loving the mission. only got 6 months left... crazy." November 10, 2014
This week was great. We had our stake conference yesterday and it was really good. President Sanchez is so awesome haha he cracks me up. He's a really good speaker. After his talk I was talking to him and I told him that I liked his talk and he was like, "I liked it too", then started to laugh. Every other sunday they invite us to lunch and it's always super good. And everytime we pass by just for something they give us food. They are so funny and kind. This week we had a family night with them and a family we've been taking to church, the Garcia Family. We set up a date for their wedding and baptism for the 22 of this month!!
Also we are teaching the girlfriend of the son of president Sanchez. Three weeks ago he gave us the reference and then brought her to church. In our second lesson she accepted a date for baptism!! She's super prepared.... her parents are Jehovah's Witnesses and she's grown up in that. But after the lesson on the restoration and the book of mormon she accepted a date. She read the chapter we left with her and said she prayed and felt the desire to keep learning more and she took that as an answer. We are really excited to help her progress even more. Her date is for this sunday!! So she has already progressed so fast. Her name is Karen.
loving the mission. only got 6 months left... crazy.
Monday, November 3, 2014
"I was talking in Spanish and fake sign language" November 3, 2014
This week was super great!
First off this week we taught a deaf lady. It was really cool cause I was talking in Spanish and fake sign language, lots of pointing and drawing in the sky but it was super awesome!!
Second, This week I got to go on interchanges to Colon!!! My first area. It was so cool to see some of my converts and some of the members. The people that have baptismal dates in the area, me and Elder Bonilla were the first ones to teach them so it was cool to see your work isn't for nothing. Wilfredo, one of my converts from here is so cool. Sadly he's inactive right now but we visited him and his family and he told me it's time to go back to church. He's so cool, he's probably my favorite. He's already planning for when we [our family] come back, his wife was telling me about his plans and that he's really excited. He's not like most Salvadorans, he's got lots of money and he was telling me next November he wants to come visit Utah, and his wife said maybe they should get sealed there and I can go and I was dying!!But first they gotta get more active to do that!!
Third, Happy birthday this week Mom. Love you and miss you. Thanks for always being a great example for me.
love you, Elder Tanner
Monday, October 27, 2014
"Cristian is an inactive member but it's kinda crazy cause like 4 months ago he got shot." October 27, 2014
This week we went to the temple, it was super great to go through for the first time in a while.
I did so many interchanges this week. I did 4 so I almost wasn't with my comp the whole week.
We had a miracle in church, Sunday morning we always pass by for everyone. When we had passed by for everyone they all said they weren't going to church. But when we finished the day we had 5 in church... it was so great. The people that came in the morning told us they wouldn't, but they just showed up!!
We're teaching a family named Cristian y Karen. Cristian is an inactive member but it's kinda crazy cause like 4 months ago he got shot. He has these scars of a bullet that went in his arm and left the other side and also in his leg, one that went through his bone and shattered his leg, so his leg has this big scar and bump too. And, that's how they met, karen is a nurse and she was helping him in the hospital and since then they have been living together. We're gonna help them get married, and baptized hopefully. Familia Rodriguez who we just baptized went to the temple on Saturday and did baptisms, the 3 of them told me they did 5 baptisms each and Imelda did one for Jose`s mom that died in a car accident in 1984. So that was super awesome to hear! They only have two weeks being baptized, they're great!
This week in our zone meeting we taught about the importance of reactivating inactives and retaining the new converts. It made me think about when I was a deacon and teacher and we would always leave church and go get Aaron Daly. Me and chris would always go see him cause we were closer to him and we would wake him up and bring him. That was always something really cool. Even though most the time we thought it was just cool to leave church during church, I know we did it with a real intent to help him. Because everytime we got him to come we felt so great.
love you guys
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
"I never thought the first time that I'd break the Word of Wisdom would be in the mission" October 20, 2014
You guys heard about the earthquake??
Yeah we felt it, it was really cool. We were sitting there taking numbers and I had just hung up the phone and my chair started to rock a little and I really didn't notice it then my comp was like, "hey, earthquake". It got a little bigger and lasted only like 20 seconds but it was cool to be moving around, it even kind of made a noise.... pretty sweet.
We're going to the temple tomorrow so that's awesome!
We put two dates with a family that we're gonna marry and baptize the 8th of November. We're really excited about that!
I have a new comp, Elder Moran. He's really cool, He's from Guayaquil, Ecuador. He's a really good teacher and really funny.
I never thought the first time that I'd break the Word of Wisdom would be in the mission, but it was haha. The other day we taught a lady and at the end of the lesson she gave us something to drink, we thought it was juice, and I downed the glass and she's like do you want more and I'm like, "oh yeah it's way good". She filled up my glass again and I asked her, what is this, Tamarindo?? and she was like no it's tea. I looked at my comps, and we all had wide eyes. She went away to go change or something and left us there alone. We started talking about what we can do, we were trying to find a place to throw it away. But then we did the worst thing ever haha, we just plugged our nose and chugged it fast. I think God will forgive us though.
well that was my week, love you guys.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
"I knew the first time I came to this church I was gonna stay here forever." October 13, 2014
But this week was awesome!! We married and baptized the family!!!!
Also I got the package and I love it!!! Thanks so much!! I always wear the LeBron shirt and the pics are so great!!! love you
Yeah so elder Kendall got dengue.... it sucks cause he was out all week. But I've gotten to see him a few times and he's doing better. We took him the sacrament on Sunday. He's changing his house too so we had to go move him and his comps stuff into their new house, but theyre staying in the same area.
This morning I went with his comp to go drop of new tables and beds and stuff and we went in the tiniest little pick up. It was this old guy that took us... he was driving so slow every car was passing us, and when we would go down hills he would turn his key and turn off the car temporarily. haha it was such a funny thing. On our way back it started raining and his windshield wipers broke so he had a hand towel and so I reached out while we were driving and cleaned his windshield haha it was a funny experience.
The family we baptized was such a blessing, we literally did nothing. they showed up on their own then we visited them that week and they accepted a date. The dad, Jose is a inactive member of lots of time, but he's super pumped to be back in the church. He preaches the gospel to everyone and is working to get his priesthood rights back. The mom, Imelda bore her testimony in her baptism and said, "I knew the first time I came to this church I was gonna stay here forever." It was amazing to hear that from her, she also paid her fast offering yesterday and they have nothing. They're already so faithful. I hope to come back in a year for their sealing. Their son, Pablo knows so much he's in like 1 Nephi 10, and he can explain everything to us, he's 16 and going to SOY (its like EFY) in December. He's excited to go on a mission in 2 years.
It was a good week, but tell Elder Kendall's family that he's gonna be fine. I've gotten to go see him to check on him a few times and he's getting better. He will be fine.
Monday, October 6, 2014
"Now I feel like I have to get married fast and then be a priesthood leader for the youth." October 6, 2014
Wow conference was so great!!
The priesthood Session inspired me so much.
Now I feel like I have to get married fast and then be a priesthood leader for the youth.
Elder Eyring's talk about preisthood leaders was great and about trust. I thought about all of my great leaders I've had. Brother Staker, Chamberlain,Bishop Moore,Bishop Maughan, Lindahl, Porter, Leishman. I'm sure I'm forgetting some but these guys all had a big influence on me.... I went back in time as I listened to the talk, I was such a horrible kid and they had so much patience for me. I miss them all and want to be leaders like them in the future to be able to help other young kids like they helped me.
But we had a good week, a kid went home a little early so they shutdown the area and now we're in a trio, we're with elder chico now too he's from mexico. Were helping him alot cause hes really quiet and calm. But me and my comp no.. we're loud and happy and its helping him open up alot.
Something cool just happened. We write in the chapel of Colon every week. Colon is where I started, so I was just sitting here writing and one of my converts came and hugged me haha he came to play soccer at the church. It's sweet to see converts every now and then cause we come here lots.
Loving my mission.
Elder Tanner
* I asked about the man who they found beat up last week and this is what Jordan said.
"He's doing better, he hasn't been drinking! but he's got a hard life. There are lots of people with problems. It is emotionally hard sometimes.... but it's fine. You just feel really bad for the people."
* I asked about the man who they found beat up last week and this is what Jordan said.
"He's doing better, he hasn't been drinking! but he's got a hard life. There are lots of people with problems. It is emotionally hard sometimes.... but it's fine. You just feel really bad for the people."
Monday, September 29, 2014
"Love the mission, it's great", September 29, 2014
But this week was sweet. I went on interchanges again with Elder Kendall this week, haha it's always the worst cause we just talk forever at night and the next day I'm so tired. We met this guy so great haha, his name is Leodan Salvadoreño. Look him up on youtube. He showed us some of his music videos and he says he has videos on youtube... haha hes so bad. He's like 65 and thinks he's so dope. He was telling us how famous he was. But he's a funny guy.
We had an investigator that was gonna get baptized this week. He has been a drunk for a long time, but he quit drinking and he had a month without drinking. But we showed up to his house last week and he was beaten up and drunk. What happened is that because he's from a different neighborhood, the gangsters from another neighborhood beat him up. Hes not a gangster, he was working down there, but its a different area. So, because of all the pain he was in of being beat up, he drank. So it's kinda a bummer, but were gonna keep helping him. He's a really good guy.
Monday, September 22, 2014
"We saw some miracles in our area this week." September 22, 2014
But this week we learned so much from Elder Ochoa. He has such a good spirit to him. It was great to meet him. He told us an awesome story about himself that he was inactive til 26 years old, and he decided to change his life.
We saw some miracles in our area this week. A family that came last week out of nowhere, we put a date with them on friday. We had only known them for 5 days. They accepted to get married, stop drinking coffee and get baptized. They are amazing, literally sent from the heavens these dates. We have been visiting them with the Stake President, he's super awesome, he talks so direct to everyone but with the spirit, you feel it. Yesterday we had our stake meeting with us, the bishops, and the Stake Presidency, and he chewed out the bishops so hard, but with doctrine and with the spirit.
I'm learning alot from him, President Spjut and other missionaries. It was a great week.
Monday, September 15, 2014
"So first off.... We got hot water!!! I haven't had hot water in 15 months!!! So awesome." September 15, 2014
This week was sooooo GREAT!!
So first off.... We got hot water!!! I haven't had hot water in 15 months!!! so awesome. also we got root beer, I hadn't drinkin root beer in 9 months.Monday, September 8, 2014
"This week I had changes and I could not be happier!!!" September 8, 2014
Mom that's an awesome story about you sharing the gospel on the airplane. At first there is always a little fear but as you talk more, honestly its fun to preach the gospel.
This week I had changes and I could not be happier!!! I came back to Zone Paraiso!! It was my first zone. My area borders my first area, so I see people I know everyday!! I had the chance to go on interchanges in Colon and see all my first converts and see all the members... honestly it was the best ever. The Aguilar family is doing great and they are working towards getting sealed. The wife was less active for a time but we're reactivating her. The Zarceño family has a goal to get sealed in December and I will be able to go with them to see them sealed for time and all eternity.
Also I saw some sad things... one of my converts is now a gangster and has tats... he missed me, but he told me he doesn't want anything with God right now. It's sad because he doesn't live with his mom or dad so he grew up in the street, and now a bunch of gangsters live with him.
My new ward is so cool, because I was already in this stake I knew more than half of the members and they remembered me. The Stake President remembered me and invited us to eat yesterday.
My comp is really cool, Elder Juarez from Guatemala. He's such a good teacher and a really cool dude. I love the mission.
Elder Tanner
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
"No idea where I'm going. . ." September 1, 2014
So I have changes.... :(
No idea where I'm going....
We got to participate in a baptism of the hermanas, they aren't our baptisms but one of the girls wanted me to baptize her. Also president was there.
The little girl I told you about last week who lives with her grandma is gettting baptized this weekend, but I won't be there.
Our landlord has some sweet old mayan stuff and he showed us.
We went with the presidents wife and checked all the houses of the zone. That was pretty fun.
I'm loving the mission and it's flying.....
Monday, August 25, 2014
"You guys know the name of the grandpa of Noah right?" August 25, 2014
This week was so awesome!!!
1. We baptized Celia, we confirmed William, and we put a date with a little girl named Christely. But there in the pic with Celia is her son that's down syndrome, Hector. He's so funny.
2.I started reading the Old Testament, I put a goal to finish it before I finish the mission. I always mess with all the missionaries about my newly gained Old Testament knowledge. I'll always ask like, "you guys know the name of the grandpa of Noah right?" haha questions that few people know. It's pretty fun.
3. The little girl we have a date with is such a cute little girl. I feel bad though cause her family life is bad. Her dad is a gangster and doesn't even live with them. Her mom lives in the US because she ran away from her husband. So she lives with her grandma, her grandma is really mean too and the girl told us that sometimes she hits her and makes her do the dishes and wash clothes. She's 8 years old. But luckily every weekend she comes to live with her other grandma who is a sweet older lady in our ward.
4. Me and my comp in the street always play this game that while we're walking we try to kick rocks in between each others legs. But then we started doing it with trash and other things and this week I got him with a dead frog that was flattened by a car and then dried out by the sun. It was such a great goal.
5. The mission is great, I'm learning lots from being a leader. Looking for housing, contracting busses, and other things we always do. Its helping me tons for my future.
Monday, August 18, 2014
"Love the mission...." August 18, 2014
This week there was some funny and cool things that happened.
1. We have a baptism this Sunday with Selia. She's awesome. At first she wouldn't accept the date, she didn't feel ready. But we read with her D & C 20:37 and after reading the requirements for baptism she felt ready.Monday, August 11, 2014
"Everyone is doing so good in our zone!!" August 11, 2014
Hey sorry I'm not gonna write a long thing, we have a short time because were going to eat lunch with president!!! Our zone has never baptized 20 and last month we baptized 26!!!! A new record. But this month we have 8 baptized and 26 dates for this month, a potential of 34!! It's crazy!! Everyone is doing so good in our zone!! Don't like tell people... but its really sweet!
We baptized Sonia yesterday and put a baptismal date with someone named Selia. I'll try and send a photo of yesterday's baptism!! Thanks for everything, love you!!!
*Sorry, I couldn't get the photo to download to the blog, it was in a format that didn't work.*
We baptized Sonia yesterday and put a baptismal date with someone named Selia. I'll try and send a photo of yesterday's baptism!! Thanks for everything, love you!!!
*Sorry, I couldn't get the photo to download to the blog, it was in a format that didn't work.*
Monday, August 4, 2014
"There is an hermana in our ward who is exactly like Mormor." August 4, 2014
Good Week.
1. Temple trip on Wednesday, we hope to bring like 10 investigators. We're really excited. It's crazy cause last 6th of August we went on my first temple trip.
2.My comp is super cool, Elder Sanchez from Mexico.
3. I did my first contact in English. We met this guy from here that's lived in Boston his whole life. It was so funny to see a guy from here with a Boston accent.
4. There is an hermana in our ward who is exactly like Mormor. She's so friendly to everyone. Her husband is the patriarch, and they went on a couples mission. She's sarcastic and also has a huge testimony.
5. This morning we went to ruins, I'll send some pics.
6. I was noticing something really cool, everyone in this country has heard the name, Jose Smith. Literally almost everyone knows his name. Some of them have a false conception of him, but I find it cool that in a random country really far away they have heard so much of Joseph Smith!!
Love you all!!
Monday, July 28, 2014
"President is inviting us over to his house to eat!" July 28, 2014
Hey sorry I'm not gonna write a long letter but this week was great!!
I got my new comp! It's Elder Sanchez!!! He's so awesome. I already lived with him for 3 months in Nahuizalco! we're best buds!
Yesterday we baptized William I'll send the photo!
Because we had a really good month as a zone for baptisms, President is inviting us over to his house to eat! We're super excited.
Also I'm' gonna send pics of this kid named Diego he's super cute.
"I was thinking about in 10 months studying the scriptures as a family and with Ben to help him prepare for a mission." July 21, 2014
1. Pablo got baptized and we are going to baptize William this Sunday.
2. My comp goes home on Wednesday.... its so hard, he makes me homesick talking about what he's gonna do this week with his family and friends.....
3. I've been reading Preach My Gospel a lot and marking and writing down lots of notes it helps me learn so much more and it stays in my head. You guys should do it.
4. Also studying the scriptures, I was thinking about in 10 months studying the scriptures as a family and with Ben to help him prepare for the mission.
5. We got a big soccer game today against the Alcaldia again. Were gonna win this week.
6. Also we found a super positive family because we bought a smoothie. They make smoothies in their house and we just bought one and I saw her husband was in the other room so I called him in and he loves the states so we talked forever and he just loves me. Every time I walk by he's just like so pumped and yells, Tanner!!
7. Also our zone baptized 15 this week. We now have 19 for this month. This zone has never baptized 20 and we have 7 more dates with this week. So we should finish with 26!!!
Good week
Monday, July 14, 2014
"Alright I'm sorry I'm writing less. I'm always in a hurry." July 14, 2014
Alright I'm sorry I'm writing less. I'm always in a hurry.
1. LEBRONLove you
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
June 30, 2014 "So this lady is named Delia."
This week was awesome!!
1. President Spjut is here!!! He called us and sounds great. I miss President and Hermana Cordon but I know that President Spjut will be great too.
2. Three of the baptismal dates I put in my last area got baptized last sunday and they're doing good. Also we baptized Saturday and Sunday. And we have a date for this Sunday. The story about the lady that's getting baptized this sunday is awesome. I will tell it in the next paragraph.
3. So this lady is named Delia. She lives in a closed area that we can visit. We happened to go there last Sunday and she went to church. Missionaries had taught her for 13 years and she always rejected them. But she decided to go last Sunday and we happened to visit there the same day to see somebody else. When we got there we ran into a hermano thats a member and he told us she went to church so we asked him if he could take us to her house. We went and taught her and the first lesson she accepted a date to get baptized. She was so prepared. She was crying as we invited her. So her son is in the mission and we are gonna send him a pic and stuff of everything right now. He's gonna be so pumped to know we have a date with his mom who has rejected the gospel for so many years. We are so blessed to have met her. I'll put a photo below of her. It's a horrible photo but it's chill.
4. The fourth of July this week...... So great.
Love everyone bye!!!
Monday, June 23, 2014
"sorry it's gonna be short!" June 23, 2014
sorry its gonna be short!
but some cool things
1. we live 3 blocks from mayan ruins, theyre called the ruins of tazumal.
2. goodbye meeting with president tomorrow, crazy.
3. we went to an area thats been closed for 8 months and we put 2 baptismal dates, cause there was some people who went to church and we got permission to visit them. it was the first lesson with both of them.
4. world cup is awesome, we see the games all the time haha cause every single person is watching it. and they all tell me hey youre country is doing great. they love the US.
5. im learning tons from my comp. hes super awesome.
ps. can you guys send me a us jersey!!!
Monday, June 16, 2014
"I'm now a Zone Leader . . ." June 16, 2014
I got changed to Chalchuapa.
My new comp is Elder Soto, he's so awesome, ha he baptizes so much. He has the most in the mission. The sad part is he goes home in 5 weeks, so I only have a short time to learn from him.
I'm now a zone leader it's a little bit different. It's harder, but it's good that I have more pressure now so I can progress more.
The world cup here is pretty sweet. We see it all the time in the street.
Love the mission and I'm gonna send some pics of my old area, some people that have baptismal dates, the best family in nahuizalco and these two sweet recent converts.
Monday, June 9, 2014
"I find joy seeing people happy. And I can do that with two things, the gospel and my personality." June 9, 2014
Had such a great week. Here are the reasons.
1. We started teaching a one armed guy. He´s like 65 and lives by himself. hes super humble. he works in the field cutting, and he only has ONE ARM. he told us a guy cut it off with a machete ten years ago. crazy.
2. I had so many fresh fruits this week. Guava, mamones, bananas, mamay, and mangoes. all straight off the trees.
3. I ate bunny. there is a pic attached of my bunny.
4.we were teaching a lesson and it was super great. we asked hermano felipe to bear his testimony in a lesson and he started to cry and couldnt talk. and our investigator also and the investigator said with tears in his eyes God is Great. he also went to church this week and we met him this week.
5. we were at guillermos house and they have lots of chickens now. and guillermo was telling us about how his mom kills the chickens and on a sewing machine they had there was some blood stains he was showing us and his mom was super embarrased and telling him to be quiet.
6. a lady gave a super thankful prayer and they literally have nothing.
7. I find joy seeing people happy. And i can do that with two things the gospel and my personality.
8. we are teaching institute in pushtan. im the teacher. and the president of seminary and institute for all of el salvador. (also former mission president) President Alvarado thanked us and was telling us that he is super pleased with what were doing. With tears in his eyes he told us. These people will never go inactive because of you.
9. we put two baptismal dates!!!
10. sunday dinner with my converts always!
Monday, June 2, 2014
"Our new names are trapper and killer." June 2, 2014
this week was super great for many reasons!
1. as a district we brought 26 investigators to church!
2. we went to the temple.... so great to meditate about the first year of the mission down.
3. I completed a year in the mission.
4. roberto got confirmed ( and no mom, his mom isnt a member, shes hilarious)
5. we had a ward activity for the moms of our ward and us missionaries sang the primary song "mother i love you". it was money.
6. a lady in our ward invited us over for our late birthday celebration. it was hermana carmen, the one that always gives us pupusas, she made us a surprise lunch and brought cake and everything! it was so great! we love her.
7. we had a cat that came in throughr our roof and it was behind my suitcase and jumped out and scared me so bad cause it was dark in the room. so we killed it.... just kidding mom haha. but there is also called a tacquazin living in our roof, its like a huge rat with claws... its creepy, we saw part of its body the other night cause it was falling out inside our house. but me and elder wiser have been hunting it, we havent been able to kill it yet but we need to cause its creepy at night.
8.also the new president of el salvador took his spot as president yesterday. now all the political craziness ends.
but im gonna send you a pic and the stats of me and elder wiser. our new names are trapper and killer. elder wiser is the trapper im the killer. mom you probably wont like these stats. 4 mice killed, 56 flies, 20 cockroaches, 73,935 ants. and we are in the hunt of a tacquazin which is a huge trophy animal.
also one of my converts is going to try and get me some armadillo before i leave the area. they eat armadillo here, i wanna try it so bad. anyways love you guys!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
"Yesterday we baptized Roberto!!!" May 26, 2014
Yesterday we baptized Roberto!!! It was so great to see him change so many things in his life. He was a drunk that didn't know the meaning of his life,but now we have helped him change his life completely and start over. He shares the gospel with all of his friends we have started to teach some of them and he has brought them to church. He's such a great guy and now were preparing him to receive the priesthood, so this week was really great.
We also had a multi zone conference. It was the second to last one with President Cordon which is super weird. He only has a month left sadly.... he's so great, but we're excited for President Spjut also. President got on us a little about our journals this week so I have started to write more in my journal. Also, have you guys been reading Preach my Gospel like the apostles have asked?
This week I complete a year, and the day I complete a year we're going to the temple!!! It's gonna be so great! We're all super excited! But I'm gonna send some pics of the baptism. We only baptized Roberto, but this other pic is who the other elders baptized, its a cool pic to see how short they are, just note I'm kneeling! haha
love you all!!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Jordan's recap of his birthday yesterday. Uncut, spanglish! May 19, 2014
it was a great birthday!!!! first thing i woke up and the other elders but me this big glass torogoz (the national bird) haha i was dying laughing! then we brought 5 people to church and all went well with them then after the neighbor lady brought ovver a whole chicken and some soup and other stuff for me ill send a pic! then everyone told me happy bday and edwin a recent convert of the other elders, but ive known him since december and hes my homie he gave me a shoutout in his prayer. he said, please bless that elder tanner has a good birthday and that he knows hes our good friend! i love that kid! but then at night my recent converts gave us dinner... also got some calls from other elders in the mission. it was great! but thanks i love you all.
also you guys couldnt believe that i actually see torogozes in the wild... well i do haha
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
This is the message Jordan was asked to share with our extended family at our family reunion next week. May 12, 2014
HEY FAMILY!!! I miss all you guys so much, I have the family book of our family and I always show it off to other elders and they're really jealous of how cool our family is. Speaking about our family, we've had such good examples in our lives. Mor Mor and Pappy. Before the mission I didn't really realize how great of people they are, and all the good examples that they've given me. I always knew that everyone at the BYU Football and Basketball games knew Pappy. But I didn't understand why. Now I know. Because of the Christ-like examples they've been for everyone around them. Maybe some of you return missionaries have seen Pappy's book of mission stories. This book builds one's testimony so much. I love Mor Mor and Pappy so much, and cant wait to be with them both one day. I invite all of you to show your thanks to Mor Mor for all she' done. Also to develop your Christ -Like attributes. One help for me is in Preach My Gospel Chapter 6! The chapter is about the attributes that Christ has and how we can better attain these attributes. I miss you all and would love to be there with you guys.
Much Love, Elder Tanner.
[P.S. We had an incredible visit with Jordan via SKYPE on the Latin, Dia de la Madre, last Saturday. Our whole family was involved with Erin and Maggie joining us on their computer from Idaho. (unfortunately Chris and Sable had to work) Definitely a highlight that will hold us until Christmas!]
Much Love, Elder Tanner.
[P.S. We had an incredible visit with Jordan via SKYPE on the Latin, Dia de la Madre, last Saturday. Our whole family was involved with Erin and Maggie joining us on their computer from Idaho. (unfortunately Chris and Sable had to work) Definitely a highlight that will hold us until Christmas!]
Monday, May 5, 2014
"My bday is coming up for my life and for my mission." May 5, 2014
I will be calling on Saturday at 10:00 SATURDAY not Sunday. I just need some more info on how I'm going to call, can you guys help me make an account. I'm so excited.
But my new comp. is so cool! His name is Elder Leiva from Colombia he's a convert of one year and he's 23 years old!! So humble.
This week was kind of rough, we didn't bring anyone to church and one of our baptismal dates dropped, but its fine were going to keep working hard. My bday is coming up for my life and for my mission. I'm about to turn 20 and complete a year in the mission!! So crazy how fast time goes.
After this I'm going to go see Hermano Lopez, he's going to give me all the stuff there. Thanks so much!!! Can't wait to see you guys!!!
Monday, April 21, 2014
"Semana Santa was pretty crazy this week!!" April, 21, 2014
So, Semana Santa was pretty crazy this week!! I'll attach some pics of the procession and the candle walk.
The temple trip Friday was so awesome. It was super organized and best of all I got to see some of my converts and some members from my other ward.
There was also a lunar eclipse so the moon went red.
Also we have a baptism the 27th hopefully it all goes well!!!
Only this but I'll send lots of pics! love you guys!
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