Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2, 2013

Yeah the weeks are flying!   But thanks tons for all the letters, it was so great to see some pics and read notes. I love and miss everyone. I leave the mtc in exactly a week and I'm so excited, I'm not that great at spanish yet, but I can teach lessons and stuff so thats good. I've never had so many blessings and prayers answered in my life. Everyday right before we have sports it starts pouring rain, so me and my like best bud Elder Dalton always pray for the rain to stop and everytime it does, its so wild. and I dont know if youre supposed to do this but I prayed not to get called on to give a talk in sacrament meeting every week and never got called ha-ha. But last week we went to the flea market and around the city. it was way cool.  But the market was wild, they had a meat section and its just all this meat hanging and some has like a green tint and it was nasty, bugs were like crawling all over it and they were hitting the meat with fly swatters to get the bugs off. also pigs heads, feet, and other animals and parts that couldn't be identified. I decided our room was getting boring so I made a fort out of our room and it looked so money, all the other rooms were so jealous. Oh we finally got our cameras for once and I got some great pics of me and my district, companion, and just other people that I love! but they took them back so I'll upload those some other time when I'm out in the field. Our district flag is like one step from finished and I'm so pumped. The hermanas have been doing working on it. Our district is so sick, we all love each other.The last group that left the night before they left, we sang called to serve in spanish with every elder in the MTC packed in a hall right below presidents room. It was so awesome. The spirit was everywhere! We performed as a district and sang, Mas Cerca Dios de Ti (nearer my god to thee) and we had half the congregation crying, it was pretty great. Every once in a while we hold yoga sessions and I'm the teacher, we call it yogamos because if yogar was a verb for yoga it would conjugate into yogamos for we yoga! Sorry for the all over the place emails but I think of stuff randomly. Love everyone.
-elder tanner

1 comment:

  1. Natalia, Thanks for doing this, it totally reminds me of my first trip to the market, Jordan always makes me laugh so much. I am working on making one for Peter as well.
